Resources Related to Hermeneutics
General Background
Fricker, Miranda. Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing (2009) (now at CUNY). Epistemic injustice: someone wronged in their capacity as a knower. Speaks specifically of hermeneutical injustice
Madsbjerg, Christian. Sensemaking (2017): The Power of the Humanities in the Age of Algorithm: On the basis of work at some large international companies, the author argues for a defense of human intelligence against the tyranny of big data. Madsbjerg studied philosophy and political science and is a founder of ReD Associates, which is “a strategy consulting company based in the human sciences [that] employs anthropologists, sociologists, art historians, and philosophers.”
Virtue Ethics:
Annas, Julia (2004). "Why Virtue Ethics Does Not Have a Problem with Right Action," in Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Volume 4. OUP. Link to free version:
Hursthouse, Rosiland (1998). "Normative Virtue Ethics," in How Should One Live?: Essays on the Virtues. OUP. Link to free version:
MacIntyre, Alasdair (2007). After Virtue, 3rd edition. Notre Dame UP. Link to free version:
Meaningful Work
Meaningful work is a broad concept involving two core ideas. First, work is an activity that involves certain practices which can increase human capability and the opportunity to flourish. There is no consensus amongst scholars as to what constitutes meaningfulness and flourishing. Empirical literature varies and tends to accept subjective preferences expressed by workers as a measure for meaning (i.e. job or task satisfaction, monetary compensation, participation in the good life, psychological states). Philosophical literature can vary between claiming that work is a only a subjective preference and work in fact has objective features that cannot be reduced to mere preference (i.e. autonomy, self-esteem, existential meaning, moral reasoning). Second, because human work is a necessary activity for survival and because it occupies a great deal of our time, we ought to try to make most occupations and careers meaningful according to the first idea. This second idea involves obvious normative and political implications, much of which are represented in the debates in political philosophy concerned with State perfectionism and paternalism--i.e. should the State mandate meaningful work.
A hermeneutic approach to meaningful work can be a potentially significant contributor given its tendency to view action as a linguistic phenomenon. On the one hand, this approach would allow the physical activity of work to be analyzable in terms of linguistic effects and meanings. As a linguistic artifact, the activity of work would presumably count as more than subjective expression; just like language, work is something done in view or for someone and something. On the other hand, hermeneutics offers a variety of ways of characterizing work as a linguistic artifact that can reach across other domains. For example, narrative theory might link work to broader questions about identity development; metaphor theory might provide a means of viewing work as transformative in terms of its effects; and speech act theory might provide the tools by which one can see the specific objective effects of work.
Mei, Todd. Philosophy2u: consulting website:
Mei, Todd. Seminar on Meaningful Work and Hermeneutics. Google Drive:
Mei, Todd (2019). "The Poetics of Meaningful Work: An Analogy to Speech Acts," Philosophy and Social Criticism 45(1): 50-70. Link to free version:
Mei, Todd. "Work and the Meaning of Being," in The Oxford Handbook of Meaningful Work. OUP. Link to free version:
Schwartz, Edina (1982). "Meaningful Work," Ethics 92(4): 634-646. JStor:
Yeoman, Ruth (2014). "Conceptualising Meaningful Work as a Fundamental Human Need," Journal of Business Ethics 125(2): 235-251. JStor:
Specific Subject Areas:
Perez-Gomez. Alberto. Timely Meditations, vol. 2: Architectural Philosophy and Hermeneutics (2016).
Children's rights:
John Wall. Children’s Rights: Today’s Global Challenge (Rowman & Littlefield 2016)
Jahnke, Marcus. Revisiting Design as a Hermeneutic Practice: An Investigation of Paul Ricoeur's Critical Hermeneutics. Design Issues, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Spring 2012)
Digital Technology:
Reijers, Wessel and Mark Coeckelbergh. Narrative and Technology Ethics (2020).
Romele, Alberto. Digital Hermeneutics (2019).
Romele, Alberto et al. Interpreting Technology (forthcoming).
Lavoie, Dan (ed.). Economics and Hermeneutics. Routledge (1991).
Mei, Todd S. Land and the Given Economy: The Hermeneutics and Phenomenology of Dwelling. Northwestern UP (2017).
Mei, Todd S. “Ricoeur Economicus: Can Market Exchange Involve Mutual Recognition?” In Paul Ricoeur and the Task of Political Philosophy. Lexington Books (2012): 65-84.
Deleanu, Daniel. The Hermeneutics of Liberal Education (2010).
Dickman, Nathan Eric. Using Questions to Think. How to Develop Skills in Critical Understanding and Thinking? (2021).
Fairfield, Paul. Education, Dialogue and Hermeneutics (2012).
Fairfield, Paul. Hermeneutics and Education. In Blackwell Companion to Hermeneutics (2016).
Friesen, Norm, Carina Hendriksson, et al. Hermeneutic Phenomenology in Education: Method and Practice (2012).
Misgeld, Dieter. Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics (1992).
Sotiriou, Peter Elias and Erland G. Anderson. The Pedagogical Implications of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Hemeneutics: Alternatives for Teaching Students How to Read and Write (2012).
Yosef-Hassidim, Doron. K-12 Education as a Hermeneutic Adventurous Endeavor (2019).
Haag, Chad A. The Hermeneutics of Ecological Limitation: Ecophilosophy Beyond Environmentalism (2019).
Add Edward Kanterian (Heidegger, Gadamer).
Treanor, Brian, Martin Drenthen et al. Interpreting Nature: The Emerging Field of Environmental Hermeneutics (2013).
Barthold, Lauren Swayne. A Hermeneutic Approach to Gender and Other Social Identities, New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2016).
Alejandro, Roberto. Hermeneutics, Citizenship, and the Public Sphere (1993).
Nelson, Eric S. Chinese and Buddhist Philosophy in Early Twentieth-Century Thought, London: Bloomsbury Academic (2017).
International Development:
Kaniu, Peninah. Critical Hermeneutic Inquiry: Refiguring Village Health Education: Village Health Education through Community Inquiry (2011).
International Relations:
Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes. International Relations as Politics among People: Hermeneutic Encounters and Global Governance (2019).
Chivinda, Hodavias. Legal Hermeneutics in Modern Times: The Role of Legal Hermeneutics for the Law Professional in the Democratic Rule of Law (2020).
Glanert, Simone and Fabien Girard. Law’s Hermeneutics: Other Investigations (2018).
Mootz, Francis J. Hermeneutics and Law. In Blackwell Companion to Hermeneutics (2016).
Nerhot, P.J. Legal Knowledge and Analogy: Fragments of Legal Epistemology, Hermeneutics and Linguistics (2012).
Poscher, Ralf. Hermeneutics and Law. In Cambridge Companion to Hermeneutics (2019).
Vallega, Alejandro A. “Exordio: Towards a Hermeneutics of Liberation: Understanding Liberatory Thought Out of the Movement of Effected Historical Consciousness in Hans-Georg Gadamer,” Research in Phenomenology, 49 (2) (2019): 207–227.
Babich, Babette. Solicitude: Towards a Heideggerian Care Ethics-of-Assistance. In Fairfield and Geniusas, Relational Hermeneutics (2020).
Charalambous, Andreas. Hermeneutic Phenomenological Reflections of Cancer Care: Philosophical Inquiries (2012).
Flanagan, Tara. Narrative Medicine in Hospice Care: Identity, Practice, and Ethics through the Lens of Paul Ricoeur (2019) [in Ricoeur book series].
Svenaeus, F. The Hermeneutics of Medicine and the Phenomenology of Health (2010).
Vasconcelos, Rosana. Heideggerian Meaning of Prostate Cancer: A Hermeneutic Study (2012).
Nishida, Danielle Marie and Nadira T. Pardo. How Music is Best used Therapeutically: A Hermeneutic Case Study Analysis (2017).
Savage, Roger. Hermeneutics and Music Criticism (2015).
Cassidy, Catherine Irene. Caring for Infectious Isolated Patients – Student Nurses’ Experiences: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study (2010).
Dibley, Lesley, Suzanne Dickerson, Mel Duffy, and Roxanne Vandermause. Doing Hermeneutic Phenomenological Research: A Practical Guide. London: Sage, 2020. [Focus on nursing.]
Mitchell, Theresa. Becoming a Nurse: A Hermeneutic Study of the Experience of Student Nurses on a Project 2000 Course (2019).
Barthold, Lauren Swayne., Overcoming Polarization in the Public Square: Civic Dialogue, New York: Palgrave MacMillan (2020).
Deweer, Dries. Ricoeur’s Personalist Republicanism: Personhood and Citizenship (2017) [Ricoeur book series].
Wong, Michael T. H. Ricoeur and the Third Discourse of the Person (2018) [third discourse as semantic pluralism) [Ricoeur book series]
Chiari, Gabriele. Constructivist Psychotherapy: A Narrative Hermeneutic Approach (2009).
Gardner, Sebastian. Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis. In Cambridge Companion to Hermeneutics (2019).
Saks, Elyn. Interpreting Interpretation: The Limits of Hermeneutic Psychoanalysis (1999).
Terwee, Sybe J.S. Hermeneutics in Psychology and Psychoanalysis (1990).
Gregor, Brian. Ricoeur’s Hermeneutics of Religion (2019)
Joy, Morny.
Moyaert, Marianne. In Response to the Religious Other: Ricoeur and the Fragility of Interreligious Encounters (2014) [Ricoeur book series]
Stiver, Dan. Theology After Ricoeur (2001); Ricoeur and Theology (2012)
Ihde, Don. Expanding Hermeneutics: Visualism in Science (1999).
Social Science:
Kidd, Sunnie D. Jim Kidd, and Omar S. Alattas. Hermeneutic Research: An Experiential Method (2019).
Michrina, Barry P. Person to Person: Fieldwork, Dialogue, and the Hermeneutic Method (1996).
Stolze, Radegundis. The Translator’s Approach: An Introduction to Translational Hermeneutics. Theory and Examples from Practice (2011).
Online Articles
The New York Times.
By Jon Baskin and Anastasia Berg. Oct. 22, 2020